Board of Directors Approved 09/02/04
August 5, 2004
Present: Frisbie, Steiner, Justus, Wilson, Young, French, King, Sullivan, Passalacqua, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Hughes, Bardizbanian
Guests: Gary & Julia Glenn
The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.
Board Minutes of July 8, 2004
King motioned to approve, French seconded.  The motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
Green: See Motions.  Scheduling construction work on greens #1, #8, and #12 has begun.  The irrigation work will begin in fall 2005.
Golf:  The 2004 Men's Invitational was a great success, both in format and food and beverage.  This event books almost immediately due to its popularity.  There is discussion that a lottery should be considered for next year.  Frisbie asked Wilson to compliment the committee.
House: The committee met with a design consultant who brought color samples and fabric for ideas on the Ballroom.  The committee liked her suggestions.  The designer will prepare a cost proposal for the committee.
Tennis: The committee met with Fesseden to review the tennis building plans.  The architect will design the outside of the tennis building to match the appearance of the pool building.
Tennis Policy & Procedure: The General Manager wanted the Board to be clear that the updated policy and procedures submitted by the committee will be used as information for prospective members.  The policy and procedures will state that if there is a conflict in the update that the by-laws and house rules will be followed.   There was a discussion on the Master Plan II funds for tennis.  The committee will include the purchase of furniture with their Phase II budget.
Objectives of the Membership Committee
The discussion was tabled until the list of non profit status concerns are reviewed.
Club Activity List for Auditors Review
Frisbie prepared a list of concerns for Board discussion on Club activities that may have an effect on the non profit status of Green Valley Country Club.  It was decided not to send the list to the auditors.  Frisbie and Capozzo will see if any information is available at the August NEB meeting as other clubs may have already researched similar concerns.
DVD Production
The Membership Committee can proceed with the production of the DVD on the benefits of being a member of Green Valley Country Club.
2004 Nominating Committee
Frisbie motioned that the following members be appointed as the Nominating Committee:
Bill Fell Maurry Koch Lou Varvello Mike Roach  Hank Grill
Steiner seconded, and the motion carried.  Frisbie will appoint Fell as the chairman.
Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members: Larry & Barbara Azevedo and Joe & Dayle Ardave.  French motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded.  The motion carried.  The Board took note of two Notice To Sell forms and one reduction in selling price of a membership which will be effective August 6, 2004.
Tennis Teams:  Mr. & Mrs. Gary Glenn attended the Board meeting.  Julia Glenn submitted a letter to the Board regarding member and non member play on tennis teams.  After reviewing the letter and a discussion,  the Board decided to send a suggestion to the committee that the committee should favor members over non members to play on the team(s).  The Pro should oversee that members are the priority and that the captain of a team should be a GVCC member.
Member Letter: Vic and Sarah Johnson sent a letter of commendation for Mark Sherman.  They stated that his professionalism is at the highest level and that his dedication and involvement with members is greatly appreciated.
Handicap Parking:  A member letter stating that the two handicap parking spots at the Terrace are being used almost daily by members with handicap stickers who park their vehicle and play 18 holes of golf.  The letter suggested that the handicap golfer(s) use a golf cart to take their clubs to their vehicle so that the two handicap parking spots can be used by those most seriously needing them.
KEY Insert Request: Vallejo Glass requested that an insert be placed in the Club's newsletter with information to contribute to the George Grant Reward Fund. The Board respectfully declined the request.  They expressed their condolences to the Grant family and to the dedicated employees of Vallejo Glass.
Greens:  The fairway bunkers to holes #1, #8, and #12 were not part of the Master Plan II budget.  The bunkers were to be installed "in house" through C.I.F. money.  At this time, there is not a budget in 2004 for the bunkers.  The committee agrees that work to the greens and bunkers should be done at the same time.  The committee is requesting $40,000 for bunkers as designed in the Pascuzzo conceptual drawings.
Justus motioned to approve up to $40,000 for the bunkers be set aside from the (2004 CIF?) so the bunkers can be built during the green construction.  Passalacqua seconded.  There was a lengthy discussion whether or not bunkers were needed, and the placement of the new bunkers.  The motion was called to vote and carried (5 yes / 2 no - French, Steiner).
Golf Cart Specifications: Current golf cart specification will not allow grandfathered golf carts to be sold/transferred to another owner/member.  Justus motioned to allow grandfathered golf carts to be sold to another member who can then register that cart with the Club under the new owners/member name.  Also to approve the previous requests of two new GVCC members to register their Think and Gem golf cart(s) with the Club.  Sullivan seconded.  The motion carried (5 yes / 3 no)
Wilson discussed amending the current Golf Cart Specifications due to the carts not causing damage to the course and accidents are driver errors.  Wilson motioned to remove the golf cart specifications and allow all conventional two seat golf carts on the course with managements discretion and proof of insurance.  Sullivan seconded, the motion carried (4 yes / 2 no / 1 abstained).
French motioned that golf carts are to remain on the cart paths at all times.  The motion failed for lack of a second.
General Membership Meeting
The General Membership meeting will be on Thursday, October 21, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ballroom.  The Board of Directors election results will be announced that evening.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary